What’s the Best Topical to Apply After Microneedling?
Microneedling, or collagen induction therapy, is one of the most popular and effective skin treatments today. Through comfortable, minimally invasive sessions, microneedling therapy offers benefits for all skin types, from scar reduction and wrinkle prevention to total skin rejuv...
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Breast Reconstruction Methods: Tissue Expander vs. Direct-to-Implant
The discovery of a breast lump, a cancer diagnosis, the recommendation of a mastectomy —breast cancer feels like one piece of bad news after another. Relief can come when your oncologists tells you that you have the option of breast reconstruction. The possibility of gettin...
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Is it Safe to Undergo Facial Laser Treatments in the Summer?
Sun damage is the skincare enthusiast's worst nightmare, and with good reason. The havoc that UV rays can wreak on the skin’s appearance and function runs deep. It not only causes skin sagging, brings out dark spots and exacerbates scarring, but it also disrupts skin...
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Christine Fisher, MD Statement on Textured Implants and BIA-ALCL
Breast health is of the utmost importance to this practice, as is keeping our patients and future patients fully informed with the latest data to promote safe outcomes using evidence-based care in plastic surgery. On July 24, 2019, the largest maker of breast implants, Allergan...
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What is Hybrid Breast Reconstruction?
Undergoing a mastectomy after a breast cancer diagnosis can be a challenging experience, both physically and emotionally. For many women, choosing to restore one or both breasts via a reconstruction procedure can feel like a celebration of recovery and restored health. Breast rec...
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Am I Selfish for Wanting a Mommy Makeover?
Would you love to restore your body to its pre-pregnancy appearance, but have reservations? We commonly hear the following concerns from women like you who are considering a “mommy makeover”: What will people think of me for wanting a mommy makeover? What do I...
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Patient Perspective: My Decision to Have a Preventive Double Mastectomy
When Jessica learned at age 34 that she was positive for a gene linked to an increased lifetime risk for developing breast cancer, she began to research having a prophylactic (preventive) bilateral mastectomy and breast reconstruction. She started chronicling her experie...
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“You Look Like a Movie Star” — A Bride-to-Be Gets Glowing Skin for her Wedding Day
When Kristin's boyfriend of five years proposed, she was shocked — in a good way.“We had discussed and sort of dismissed the idea of getting married in the past,” said Kristin. “It really wasn’t important to either one of us, I thought! We wer...
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Breast Implants: 101
Aging, hormone changes, childbirth and breastfeeding can dramatically impact the shape and firmness of breasts. Perhaps you have noticed that your breasts don't sit as high as they once did, they feel deflated or maybe you have had surgery that has altered the appearance of...
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Just Diagnosed with Breast Cancer: What Comes Next?
A breast cancer diagnosis can be overwhelming, your mind racing with questions about treatment options. You are not alone in your feelings, fears or questions. One in eight women in the United States is expected to develop breast cancer at some point in her life, and there are cu...
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