
Care After Breast Reconstruction

Many women who have experienced breast cancer or other physical changes to their breasts may need to have breast reconstruction surgery to look and feel their best. This can be great for a woman's self-confidence following trauma...

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How breast reconstruction can help women who have undergone mastectomies for cancer

Women who have had a diagnosis of breast cancer may have decided to undergo partial or complete removal of their breasts to combat the condition and avoid chemotherapy or radiation. However, the removal of the breasts can be not only a...

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Am I Too Old to Want Breast Reconstruction Surgery?

The decision of whether or not to undergo breast reconstruction is a highly personal one. Breast reconstruction surgery can be an empowering option for breast cancer patients hoping to restore both the look and feel of their breasts following a unilateral or bilateral mastectomy...

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Is A Breast Reconstruction Right for Me?

Hearing the news that you need a mastectomy — or making the decision to have a preventive mastectomy — will likely throw your whole world out of balance. Women who have been in this position talk about feeling a whole range of emotions, including fear, sadness, hopele...

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Breast Reconstruction Methods: Tissue Expander vs. Direct-to-Implant

The discovery of a breast lump, a cancer diagnosis, the recommendation of a mastectomy —breast cancer feels like one piece of bad news after another. Relief can come when your oncologists tells you that you have the option of breast reconstruction. The possibility of gettin...

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What is Hybrid Breast Reconstruction?

Undergoing a mastectomy after a breast cancer diagnosis can be a challenging experience, both physically and emotionally. For many women, choosing to restore one or both breasts via a reconstruction procedure can feel like a celebration of recovery and restored health. Breast rec...

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Patient Perspective: My Decision to Have a Preventive Double Mastectomy

When Jessica learned at age 34 that she was positive for a gene linked to an increased lifetime risk for developing breast cancer, she began to research having a prophylactic (preventive) bilateral mastectomy and breast reconstruction. She started chronicling her experie...

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Just Diagnosed with Breast Cancer: What Comes Next?

A breast cancer diagnosis can be overwhelming, your mind racing with questions about treatment options. You are not alone in your feelings, fears or questions. One in eight women in the United States is expected to develop breast cancer at some point in her life, and there are cu...

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Is Hybrid Breast Reconstruction Right for You?

After a breast cancer diagnosis, many patients seek breast reconstruction to reflect their restored health. Breast reconstruction can be a critical step in moving forward, but how do you know which type of procedure is the right choice for you? In some situations, a combination o...

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APEX Flap vs. DIEP Flap Reconstruction — Is There a Difference?

Recently, our practice received questions from a breast cancer patient about a seemingly “new” type of living tissue breast reconstruction, coined the “APEX flap.” But is the procedure any different from the DIEP flap breast reconstruction Dr. Christine Fi...

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