
Am I Too Old to Want Breast Reconstruction Surgery?

The decision of whether or not to undergo breast reconstruction is a highly personal one. Breast reconstruction surgery can be an empowering option for breast cancer patients hoping to restore both the look and feel of their breasts following a unilateral or bilateral mastectomy...

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What is Hybrid Breast Reconstruction?

Undergoing a mastectomy after a breast cancer diagnosis can be a challenging experience, both physically and emotionally. For many women, choosing to restore one or both breasts via a reconstruction procedure can feel like a celebration of recovery and restored health. Breast rec...

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Is Hybrid Breast Reconstruction Right for You?

After a breast cancer diagnosis, many patients seek breast reconstruction to reflect their restored health. Breast reconstruction can be a critical step in moving forward, but how do you know which type of procedure is the right choice for you? In some situations, a combination o...

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