
Choosing Between DIEP Flap and Implant Breast Reconstruction

Choosing what manner of reconstruction to undergo after mastectomy, DIEP flap or implant breast reconstruction, is a personal and sometimes difficult choice. Sometimes, your doctor will shepherd you towards one selection and sometimes you will be good candidate for multiple choic...

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Understanding Your Plastic Surgery Recovery

All patients are concerned with how long their plastic surgery recovery will take.The three main facets of recovery are healing, activity level, and the final aesthetic appearance. Plastic surgery recovery is measured in both medical and aesthetic terms. Plastic surgery res...

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Things to Avoid Before and After Plastic Surgery

Most important: Avoid all sources of nicotineThe most important thing to avoid before and after plastic surgery is exposure to nicotine. Smoking or vaporizing nicotine during the weeks before and after surgery is very dangerous as it dramatically reduces your body's ability...

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Four-Week Nutritional Preoperative Boot Camp

Nutrition has a profound impact on the wound healing process. To prepare your body for surgery avoid nicotine-containing products, stay hydrated, and consume plenty of the nutrients your body will need for healing: Boost your protein intake: Drink a protein shake twice daily u...

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