Ready to ditch your morning beauty routine? Sometimes called micropigmentation or cosmetic tattooing, permanent makeup is a technique in which pigments are implanted into the skin using a tattoo machine. Much like regular makeup, a permanent application is used to enhance facial features while helping the wearer feel more confident and polished. 

Permanent makeup is a popular choice for those wanting to save time in their daily routine and skip the hassle of reapplying makeup on a regular basis. It can also be a great option for individuals with sensitive skin or allergies or conditions that make applying difficult to apply, such as arthritis, facial scarring, or other conditions.

What Options Are There for Permanent Makeup?

Favorite makeup products such as lipstick, lip liner, eyeliner, and brow liner can all be recreated using micropigmentation for a look that is as flawless as it is long-lasting. While it is called “permanent,” micropigmentation offers a long-lasting look that will fade naturally over time. For example, permanent lip liner might last 12 to 18 months, while eyeliner tattoos might take several years to fade. 

How Is Permanent Makeup Applied?

Permanent makeup is a form of tattooing, but it is not the same as a traditional tattoo parlor tattoo. The instrument used contains a thin, sterile needle that penetrates the skin. However, permanent makeup uses pigment that contains less metal and is only applied to the top layers of the skin. The procedure is performed by licensed clinicians with specialized training.

Before the application begins, a topical numbing cream is applied to the treatment area. The procedure can take anywhere from one to two hours. Our clients notice results immediately with some minor swelling, discomfort, and redness. Scabbing or peeling skin is not uncommon and is part of the regular healing process. 

Is it the Right Look For You?

The professional team at Austin Cosmetic Medspa, part of Austin Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery in Austin, TX, can help you decide on the perfect look. Book your appointment over the phone at 512-815-0123 or visit

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