Tighten and Tone Your Upper Arms With an Arm Lift in Austin

Age, weight loss, and heredity are all factors that can contribute to the appearance of flabby, sagging skin on the upper arms. This can create an unfortunate “bat wing” appearance and make it nearly impossible to attain firm, toned arms. Typically, excess skin in this area is stubborn and extremely difficult to eradicate. At Austin Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, we offer a procedure called an arm lift, which can eliminate your loose, droopy skin and help you achieve youthful, well-defined upper arms.

What Is an Arm Lift?

An arm lift, also known as brachioplasty, is a cosmetic surgical procedure performed to remove excess skin and fat from the upper arms, recontouring the remaining skin and tissue to give it a tighter, more toned appearance. Most commonly, brachioplasty is used to help patients restore their firm upper arms after losing a significant amount of weight.

Benefits of an Arm Lift

An arm lift is a powerful body contouring procedure that can offer all of the following benefits:

  • Firmer, more toned upper arms
  • Removal of saggy excess skin
  • Improved bodily proportions
  • Elimination of “bat wing” appearance
  • More visible muscle definition
  • Increased wardrobe options
  • Improved self-confidence and self-image
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What to Expect During Your Arm Lift Procedure in Austin

Before you undergo brachioplasty, you’ll first sit down for a one-on-one consultation with one of our expert plastic surgeons. They’ll take a close look at your upper arms, answer any questions you may have about the procedure, and ask you a few questions to ensure that you’re a good candidate. If you decide to proceed, you and your provider will work together to create a personalized treatment plan.

On the day of your arm lift procedure, you’ll be administered either general anesthesia to keep you peacefully sleeping during the surgery. Your surgeon will then make an incision along your inner arm, between your elbow and armpit. This will allow them to begin carefully excising loose, excess skin. If necessary, they may also use liposuction to remove excess fat from your upper arm. Finally, they will redrape the remaining skin and close the incision with sutures. If you’re having the procedure done on both arms, this process will then be repeated on the other arm. We’ll need to keep you for monitoring for a couple of hours after your brachioplasty procedure. After that, you can head home with a friend or family member driving you.

What Is the Arm Lift Recovery Like?

After your arm lift surgery, you can expect to need between one and two weeks of rest before easing back into your normal routine and returning to work. During this time, you’ll experience some discomfort, swelling, and bruising in the treated area. To reduce the swelling and promote proper healing, you’ll likely need to wear a special compression garment.

While recovering, be sure to maintain a nutritious diet, stay hydrated, and get plenty of rest. You should also start taking light walks around the house as soon as you feel up to it, but it’s best to refrain from more strenuous exercise for around four to six weeks.

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Who Is a Good Candidate for an Arm Lift?

If you are bothered by excess skin or fat on your upper arms, an arm lift may be a good option for you. Most commonly, the procedure is performed on individuals who have developed loose, sagging skin after losing a significant amount of weight. However, anyone dealing with excess upper arm skin could potentially be a good candidate.

To be an ideal candidate for brachioplasty in Austin with our team, you should meet the following criteria:

  • Be in generally good health
  • Have maintained a stable weight for at least six months
  • Be relatively close to your ideal weight
  • Not be currently pregnant or breastfeeding
  • Be a non-smoker or willing to temporarily quit
  • Have realistic expectations for the procedure
  • Be willing to maintain a healthy lifestyle going forward
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Why Choose Austin Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery for Your Brachioplasty in Austin?

When you go with Austin Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery for your brachioplasty procedure, you’ll be working with our team of compassionate, award-winning plastic surgeons. Our highly skilled surgeons employ a personalized, patient-centric approach to cosmetic care. We firmly believe that everyone deserves to feel confident and attractive in their own skin, and we’ll go above and beyond to provide you with the guidance, support, and high-quality treatment that you need on your aesthetic journey. If you’re interested in learning more or scheduling your initial consultation, just contact us at (512) 815-0123 today.

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Arm Lift FAQ

How long does an arm lift take?

How painful is arm lift surgery?

Are the results of an arm lift permanent?

How long does an arm lift take?

The duration of an arm lift surgery depends on the extent of the procedure. On average, though, the surgery takes around two to three hours to complete.

How painful is arm lift surgery?

Arm lift surgery is typically performed under general anesthesia, so you won't feel any pain during the procedure. After the surgery, you will experience some discomfort, but your surgeon can prescribe pain medication as needed.

Are the results of an arm lift permanent?

The results of an arm lift surgery are long-lasting, but they are not always permanent. Aging, weight fluctuations, and lifestyle factors can affect the appearance of your arms over time. However, maintaining a healthy lifestyle and a stable weight can help you maintain the results of your arm lift for many years.

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