Tighten and Tone Your Midsection With a Tummy Tuck in Austin

Most of us would love to naturally have a flat, well-defined midsection. Unfortunately, going through things like pregnancy, childbirth, and weight changes can often lead to sagging skin, stubborn fat, and muscle laxity around the abdomen. Although maintaining a healthy lifestyle can help to reduce these unwanted bodily changes, diet and exercise alone aren’t typically enough to effectively reverse them. If you truly want to eliminate sagging abdominal skin and achieve a firm, toned belly, the best option may be a surgical procedure called a tummy tuck.

What Is a Tummy Tuck?

A tummy tuck, also known as abdominoplasty, is a cosmetic surgical procedure performed to tighten and tone the abdomen. Specifically, the procedure is used to target loose, sagging skin, stubborn excess fat, and weakened or detached abdominal muscles. Abdominoplasty is a customizable procedure, and our plastic surgeons will always personalize the surgery depending on the unique needs and aesthetic goals of the patient. Typically, a tummy tuck involves the removal of excess skin and/or fat as well as the tightening of abdominal skin, tissue, and muscles using sutures.

Benefits of Abdominoplasty

When performed by one of our expert plastic surgeons, a tummy tuck can be a life-changing procedure offering all of the following benefits:

  • A firmer, more toned abdomen
  • Stronger abdominal muscles
  • Enhanced midsection definition
  • Removal of loose, sagging skin
  • Removal of excess fat
  • Improved mobility and athletic performance
  • Increased wardrobe options
  • A slimmer, more proportionate physique
  • Long-lasting, natural-looking results
  • Improved self-confidence
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What to Expect During Your Tummy Tuck Procedure

Your abdominoplasty process begins with your initial consultation, during which your surgeon will perform a complete, in-person examination of your health, your goals, your medical history, and your lifestyle to determine your suitability as a tummy tuck candidate. If abdominoplasty is appropriate for your needs and will not put your health at risk, your surgeon and her staff will work with you to create a customized surgical plan, schedule the surgery, and help you begin planning for your recovery.

Before your tummy tuck surgery, you’ll be administered general anesthesia, which will keep you peacefully sleeping throughout the procedure. To begin, your surgeon will make a horizontal incision low across your abdomen, between the hip bones, and just above the pubic region. Then, depending on the specifics of your treatment plan, they will begin excising excess skin, removing stubborn fat deposits, sculpting tissue, and/or tightening the abdominal muscles.

After addressing your underlying abdominal issues, your surgeon will drape your remaining skin over your midsection so that it appears smooth and taut. Finally, they will suture the abdominal skin to secure its new position before closing your incision and bandaging the treatment area. Once the procedure is finished, we’ll keep you around for monitoring for a couple of hours to ensure that you don’t experience any complications. After that, a friend or family member can drive you home.

Tummy TuckBefore & After

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The Tummy Tuck Recovery Process

We typically advise that patients take at least two weeks to rest and recover after abdominoplasty before returning to work. It’s also important to wait at least six to eight weeks to engage in strenuous physical activity, and you’ll need to wear a special compression garment for approximately six weeks. During your recovery, you should expect to experience swelling, bruising, and soreness, but these symptoms should gradually subside over several weeks. To promote quality healing, be sure to get plenty of sleep, stay hydrated, and maintain a healthy diet.

Who Is a Good Candidate for Abdominoplasty in Austin?

Any adults dealing with a significant amount of loose, sagging skin, excess fat, and/or muscle laxity around the abdomen could be good candidates for a tummy tuck. Oftentimes, the best candidates for the procedure are looking to restore their slim midsection after pregnancy, weight fluctuations, or the effects of aging. To be an ideal candidate for abdominoplasty in Austin with our team, it’s also important to meet the following criteria:

  • Be in generally good physical health
  • Not be currently pregnant or breastfeeding
  • Have gone at least six months since having a baby
  • Be relatively close to your ideal weight
  • Be a non-smoker or willing to temporarily quit
  • Have reasonable expectations
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Why Choose Austin Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery for Your Tummy Tuck in Austin?

At Austin Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, your tummy tuck procedure will be administered by one of our highly skilled and experienced female plastic surgeons. They will go the extra mile to get to know you personally and gain a complete understanding of your unique needs and goals. With this information, they’ll fully personalize the abdominoplasty procedure to provide high-quality, natural-looking results and help you attain the toned, youthful figure you crave. To learn more about what we offer or schedule your initial consultation, just give us a call at (512) 815-0123 today.

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Tummy Tuck FAQ

Can a tummy tuck be combined with other procedures?

How long does a tummy tuck take?

When will the final results be visible?

Can a tummy tuck be combined with other procedures?

Yes, it’s common for a tummy tuck to be combined with other cosmetic procedures. For example, the surgery may be combined with liposuction and either a breast lift or breast augmentation as part of a full mommy makeover procedure. During your consultation, your provider will evaluate your unique situation and goals to help you determine your ideal treatment options.

How long does a tummy tuck take?

Every tummy tuck is unique, and depending on the extent of the procedure, the surgery can take anywhere from two to five hours.

When will the final results be visible?

As the swelling and bruising gradually fade, you should notice your stomach becoming flatter, firmer, and more defined around three to four months after your abdominoplasty. However, it can take up to a year for the full results of the procedure to be visible.

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