Meet Dr. Bunting

Dr. Bunting is passionate about helping women feel healthy and confident in their bodies, whether after breast cancer treatment, pregnancy and childbirth, or other life changes. As a mother of three young children, she personally understands the challenges facing her patients.

Education and Training

Born and raised in Houston, Dr. Bunting had her first exposure to medicine in middle school as a volunteer at Texas Children’s Hospital, where she became fascinated by the role that medicine can play in a patient’s life. 

After graduating from Washington and Lee University in Virginia with her bachelor’s degree in physics, she pursued her master’s degree in biomedical engineering at Columbia University in New York City because she was interested in the intersection of engineering and medicine.

While there, she worked alongside surgeons in the Orthopedic Biomechanics Lab and saw how a surgeon can directly impact a patient’s well-being. This inspired her to attend medical school at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. where she discovered that pursuing a career in plastic surgery would allow her to combine her intellectual curiosity, creativity, and eye for beauty.

After medical school, Dr. Bunting completed her plastic surgery residency at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas. It was during this time that she gained a special interest in advanced breast reconstruction for breast cancer patients, including microsurgical DIEP flap reconstruction, as well as advanced aesthetic techniques in plastic surgery. To further hone her reconstructive techniques, she completed a fellowship in microsurgery at the University of California, Los Angeles.

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Dr. Haley Bunting, MD

A Sensitive, Compassionate Approach to Patient Care

Forming emotional connections with patients, promoting compassionate care, and meticulous attention to detail are at the core of Dr. Bunting’s practice. In addition to her expertise as an aesthetic doctor and surgeon, Dr. Bunting is known for her sensitivity to her patients’ needs; she loves discovering each person’s uniqueness and figuring out how she can best help them to achieve a high quality of life. She is inspired daily by her patients to keep growing in her practice and considers herself a lifelong learner.

Career and Personal Achievements

Dr. Bunting is an avid researcher and scholar, with over 30 publications and presentations given nationally and internationally. She has received numerous awards and scholarships, including a scholarship to college for her academic achievements in physics and a scholarship to medical school for being a top-achieving woman in her class. She has also held many leadership positions. One of her most memorable personal leadership roles was being peer-elected as the captain of her college soccer team.

In her free time, Dr. Bunting loves spending time with her husband and two young sons. She enjoys trying new restaurants, yoga, and a good glass of wine. She is happy to be back in Texas close to her parents, brothers, and nieces.

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